
Abacus Children's Day Nursery

Abacus Children's Day Nursery
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Outstanding
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Indoor and Outdoor Facilities: Children develop physical skills using real tools, static tyres and balancing equipment.
Activities: Children engage in varied activities like woodwork, art and craft, and listening games.
Skills , Knowledge and Behavior: Children demonstrate high levels of enjoyment and engagement, developing independence and resilience.
Communication: Parents receive weekly communication and photos through an online platform.
Community Building: Parents are grateful for professional help and pleased with children's progress.
Programs and Resources: Children with SEND receive tailored support to achieve full potential and participate fully.
Staff Training: Staff have exceptional understanding of children's learning and physical needs.
Welcoming and Professional Staff: Highly professional staff create a language-rich environment.
Safeguarding Training: Staff access a range of training opportunities to stay updated on safety topics.
Play and Learning Integration: Children learn through engaging in activities that foster cognitive and motor skills.
Transition to Primary School: Children are exceptionally well prepared for the move to school.
Diversity Management: Children learn about their own cultural heritage and the local community.
Child Safety Management: A culture of detailed risk assessments ensures safety indoors and outdoors.
Children's Safety and Security: Children feel safe, tackling new skills confidently.
Teaching Personal Safety: Children independently use safety goggles and gloves when using real tools.
Happiness and Settling: Children flourish through secure emotional attachments with nurturing staff.
Nutritional Menu: High focus on children's health, including oral hygiene.
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Abacus Children's Day Nursery is a Nursery, Nursery located in Cumbria, North West.

This nursery accepts children from 0.3-5 years old.

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Abacus Children's Day Nursery
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From the Abacus Children's Day Nursery
Make sure all kids have an enjoyable, safe, and joyful environment so they can develop, learn, and play. Ensure that all children, regardless of aptitude, race, gender, or ethnicity, have equal care and educational opportunities. has the resources and environment necessary to guarantee that each kid reaches their greatest potential. Considering each child's dietary requirements and parental wishes, provide all kids with a healthful, nutritionally balanced meal. All employees have completed paediatric first aid and safeguarding training, or are in the process of doing so, and opportunities for ongoing self-development that are pertinent to their specific roles are encouraged. Make an effort to collaborate with parents, caregivers, and other family members to make sure that every child gets the nurturing and encouraging learning environment they require to develop into young, invigorating adults. Set a good example for your children and provide them with the freedom and opportunity to decide for themselves.
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