Oakham School is a prestigious co-educational boarding school located in Oakham, East Midlands. With a rich history dating back to 1902, the school offers a Middle Deemed Secondary education for stude...
Read moreUppingham School is a prestigious Church of England secondary boarding school located in Uppingham, East Midlands. With a history dating back to 1949, it offers a co-ed education for students aged 13-...
Read moreBrooke Priory School is a co-educational primary school located in Oakham, East Midlands. Established in 1989, it provides a nurturing and inclusive environment for children aged 2-11 years. With a sm...
Read moreHere are the 2024/25 Best private schools
Brooke Priory School is the cheapest private school with an annual fee of £1,340 to £4,065
Uppingham School is expensive private with an annual fee of £9,858.
Average private school fee is £6,014.33 in Rutland.