Ateres Elisheva is a primary school located in Salford, North West. With a focus on girls' education, the school offers a nurturing environment for students aged 2-7 years. Despite requiring improveme...
Read moreBranwood Preparatory School is a good primary school providing an excellent education for children aged 3-11. With outstanding achievement in key subjects and strong leadership, this co-ed school prio...
Read moreBeis Rochel Mcr Girls' School is a primary school located in Salford, North West. With a dedicated and experienced headteacher, Mrs Brocha March, the school provides a high-quality education for girls...
Read moreBnos Margulis Viznitz Girls' School is a primary school located in Salford, North West. With a focus on girls' education, the school provides a nurturing and supportive environment for students aged 3...
Read moreClarendon Cottage School, located in Salford, North West, is a co-educational primary school providing education for children aged 2 to 11 years. With its nurturing environment and dedicated staff led...
Read moreMoss Valley Primary Academy is a co-educational school located in Irlam, Salford. Founded in 2023, it provides a nurturing environment for children aged 3-11. With a strong focus on supporting student...
Read moreHere are the 2024/25 Best primary schools
12 private primary schools in Salford.
11 SEN schools in Salford.