
The Villages Pre-School Ltd Eldwick

The Villages Pre-School Ltd Eldwick
1 schools in compare list
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Overall effectiveness at previous inspection Not Applicable
Historical Ofsted reports
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The Villages Pre-School Ltd Eldwick is a Nursery, Nursery located in West Yorkshire, Yorkshire and The Humber.

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The Villages Pre-School Ltd Eldwick
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From the The Villages Pre-School Ltd Eldwick
I had no idea how many kids, families, and teachers would have laughed, smiled, and achieved so much since The Villages Pre-School initially opened. We are expanding from our Bingley locations—first in Eldwick, then in East Morton—to Burley in Wharfedale, and I couldn't be more thrilled about this chance! We are now ten years old.
The major reasons I love being an Early Years Teacher are watching the children develop, change, learn new skills, socialise, and gain confidence every day is different! Even now, ten years later, I still enjoy discovering new techniques (like In The Moment Planning), putting them into practise (like our brand-new online tracking tool, EY Log), and evaluating and improving practise through practitioner training (like early phonics, maths ideas, superhero ideas, and the list goes on!). By serving on the Bradford Councils project board for the 30 hours of additional entitlement, I continue to be active with government initiatives and make sure that safeguarding is a top concern. My love is The Villages Pre-school, and I work hard to continuously review our procedures to ensure that we are providing our students and families with the greatest early childhood education we possibly can.
My door (or mobile phone!) is always open if you would want additional information about anything, including healthy eating, support for low-income families, or simply a casual talk.
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